IMPACTT Newsletter | October 2021

Dear ,

We hope you had a wonderful October and are enjoying the changing of seasons. We have some exciting exciting updates from our IMPACTT core - let's take a look!


mentorship popup
Applications are open for the IMPACTT Mentorship Program 2022-2023 cohort!

Are you a postdoc or early career faculty member at a Canadian institution? Do you conduct microbiome research? Are you interested in mentorship from an established researcher in your field?

If you answered yes, or know someone who fits the description, click here to learn more about our mentorship program and apply!
Deadline to apply: 31 January, 2022.


Dr. Kathy McCoy (IMPACTT Director and Platform 1 Lead) gave a seminar at Global Immunotalks on 27 October, 2021 titled 'Elucidating mechanisms underlying microbiome regulation of immune responses.' If you missed it, you can watch the recording on YouTube.


Microbiota-derived acetate enables the metabolic fitness of the brain innate immune system during health and disease
Erny et al. 2021. Cell Metabolism.
Highlights: Microglia are immune cells of the central nervous system, and their function can be modulated by the microbiome. In this paper, researchers used epigenetically-modified germ-free mice to elucidate the precise mechanisms by which gut bacteria and microglia communicate. Their results suggest that acetate, a bacteria-derived molecule, is essential to microglia function.

Mice with diverse microbial exposure histories as a model for preclinical vaccine testing
Fiege et al. 2021. Cell Host & Microbe.
Highlights: Immune responses of laboratory mice in pre-clinical trials often don't translate to humans. In this experiment, researchers co-housed laboratory mice with pet store mice (which have more diverse microbial communities), and found that influenza vaccination of these co-housed mice resulted in responses that were more similar to humans as compared to the responses of specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice. They concluded that "reconstituting microbial experience in laboratory mice through co-housing may better inform preclinical vaccine testing."


Click here to see a list of upcoming events in the microbiome world.

Dr Paul Kubes

Global Immunotalks with

Dr. Paul Kubes

Platform 1 Co-Lead Dr. Paul Kubes will be giving a seminar on 10 November, 2021 at Global Immunotalks, hosted by the University of California San Diego. Click here to register and see the full list of speakers.

Remember to save the date for our second annual Having IMPACTT: Advancing Microbiome Research symposium on June 2 & 3, 2022 at the Malcolm Hotel in Canmore, AB.


Microbial Pathogenesis has a call for papers in collaboration with Current Research in Microbial Sciences and Current Research in Immunology for a special collection called Advances in Microbial Pathogenesis and Host Immunity. Deadline: 31 Dec, 2021.

MDPI is planning a special edition on Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics in Human Health. Topic editors include IMPACTT mentee Dr. Leyuan Li. Deadline: 31 Mar, 2022.

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