
IMPACTT Newsletter | May 2020

A word from our Director

Dear reader,

IMPACTT, the Integrated Microbiome Platforms to Advance Causation Testing and Translation, is pleased to introduce you to its monthly Newsletter. In this first edition, you will find some of our “impactt-ful” discoveries, insightful online resources, microbiome related events and more. Take a peak and contact us if you would like to share something with us in this newsletter.
Dr. Kathy McCoy
For more information on what we do, visit or e-mail us directly at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you all for your interest and involvement in building a more connected and knowledgeable microbiome community!

Funding Kudos

U of C Microbiome Researchers

CIHR announced the Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 teams at Me and My Microbes.

CIHR officially revealed the successful applicants of the Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 Teams during the inauguration of ME & MY MICROBES. This interactive microbiome exhibition to "discover the zoo inside you" hosted at the Museum of Nature in Ottawa was a success. Among others, Dr. McCoy, IMPACTT director, Dr. Arrieta, Dr. Geuking, Dr Kubes, and Dr. Sycuro IMPACTT leads from UCalgary proudly helped as part of the exhibition knowledge sponsor to develop the event.

More details about the successful applicants of the Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 (CMI2) can be found here.

Dr. Marie-Claire Arrieta, received a $2-million Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 grant to study the contribution of the microbiome to asthma risk in premature infants.

Dr. Arrieta is the co-lead of the IMPACTT Human Cohort Design and Analysis Platform and an Assistant Professor at the Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases at the University of Calgary.

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Dr. Jayne Danska received a $2-million Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 grant to study microbiome regulation of beta-cell autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes (T1D).

This project seeks to understand how environmental changes have influenced the gut microbiome in infants, children and young adults with defined genetic risk for T1D. Dr. Danska is the IMPACTT Sex and Gender Champion, a Senior Scientist in the Genetics & Genome Biology Program and Associate Chief of Faculty Development at the University of Toronto and SickKids Hospital.
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Scientific breakthroughs

Maternal psychological distress before birth influences gut immunity in mid-infancy. Kang LJ, et al. Clin Exp Allergy. 2020 Feb.

Combining wet-lab techniques with powerful statistical analysis, Dr. Kozyrskyj’s team and colleagues studied found that maternal psychological distress before birth influences gut immunity in mid‐infancy. Their study illustrates how the CHILD Cohort Study can be used to study early-life microbiome and also the research power of having such a rich resource.

Open Data Revolution in Clinical Research: Opportunities and Challenges. Shahin MH, et al., Clin Transl Sci. 2020 Jan 31.

Researchers ability to study human cohort data is essential in clinical research, but raises questions about individual’s privacy, data ownership, and control. To help microbiome researchers navigate these challenges, ethics and microbiome experts, including Dr. Silva, published a manuscript that “creates awareness of the potential benefits and challenges of sharing individual’s clinical data. The author also discuss how to overcome these challenges, and how the clinical pharmacology community can shape future directions in this field.

Using Precisely Defined in vivo Microbiotas to Understand Microbial Regulation of IgE. Wyss M, et al., Front Immunol. 2020 Jan 15.

Generating an extensive collection of gnotobiotic mouse colonies, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Geuking and their teams identified three bacterial species populating the small intestine in early life that together can suppress hygiene-mediated hyper-IgE. Their work is contributing to better understand the role of the microbiome during the “window of opportunity” in early-life and its implication in allergy and autoimmune diseases.

Microbiota-derived peptide mimics drive lethal inflammatory cardiomyopathy. Gil-Cruz C, et al., Science. 2019 Nov 15.

Using germ-free mouse model of myocarditis and fecal material transplantation technics, Dr. McCoy, Dr. Geuking, Dr. Ludewig and their teams are on the path to unravel the role of our microbiota in lethal inflammatory cardiomyopathy.

Microbiome Reviews

Host-microbiome intestinal interactions during early life: considerations for atopy and asthma development. Pettersen VK. & Arrieta MC., Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2020 Apr.

Cataloguing recent birth cohorts that document associations between immune dysregulation and microbial alterations, Dr. Arrieta and Dr. Pettersen, highlight the evidences supporting the role of the gut microbiome as an etiological determinant of immune-mediated allergic diseases.

Maternal microbiota in pregnancy and early life. McDonald B. & McCoy KD., Science. 2019 Sep 6.

Looking into the literature about the early-life microbiome, Dr. McDonald and Dr. McCoy discuss the importance of the maternal microbiota in pregnancy and early life, notably its role in shaping offspring development and health.

Impact of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Zhang Z., et al., Nutrients. 2019 Sept 25.

Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), a gut microbial-modulation strategy, has been used for the treatment of a variety of human diseases, notably obesity-associated metabolic disorders. Nevertheless, “the clinical benefits of using FMT to rebuild gut microbial ecosystems in patients with obesity and MS are not well established.” Dr. Madsen and colleagues, curated the current literature to provide “an overview of the effectiveness and limitations of FMT as a potential therapeutic strategy for obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS)”. This manuscript points up the gaps in the field and explores the possibilities to improve this cutting-edge technique

New bioinformatics tools for microbiome data

ggmix: a bioinformatic tool for population structure in high dimensional prediction models. Bhatnagar SR., et al. PLoS Genet. 2020 May 4.

Developed by the Greenwood research team. Dr. Greenwood is leading the IMPACTT Bioinformatics Development Platform, and a Professor in Oncology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGills University.

PSORTm: a bacterial and archaeal protein subcellular localization prediction tool for metagenomics data. Peabody MA, et al. Bioinformatics. 2020 Feb 28.

Developed by the Brinkman research team. Dr. Brinkman is co-leading the IMPACTT Bioinformatics Platform, and a Professor at the School of Computing Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.

In the News

Antibiotics pills in bacteria medium concept. Futuristic drug capsule among bacilli microorganisms.

“Two chemicals that work in tandem to kill bacteria without harming human cells.”

Dr. Brinkman’s collaborative work on characterizing a new antimicrobial cocktail raises hope to fight “superbug“ infections and their biofilms.
DaVolterra logo

From Causation to Translation: promising result from ‘SHIELD’, a phase 2 clinical trial.

SHIELD is testing “an orally administered, colon-targeted adsorbent administered to protect patients intestinal microbiota from antibiotic-induced disruption, thus limiting the risks of developing a C. difficile infection and getting colonized by antibiotic resistant bacteria”. Thomas Louie, president of the Scientific Committee of the SHIELD study is a co-applicant of IMPACTT and a Professor of Medecine at the University of Calgary.


The Lewis’ lab is developing a rapid diagnostic test that uses protein-based screening and mass spectrometry to detect the virus directly from swabs.

The technology aims to test up to 750 or maybe 1000 samples per day per instrument and overcome the current shortage of reagents. Dr. Lewis, is the co-lead of our IMPACTT Omics platform and assistant professor in Biochemistry at the University of Calgary.

The Kubes’ lab is examining the role of neutrophils in host defense and lung injury in COVID-19.

Dr. Kubes is co-lead of our Gnotobiotic Animal Models platform and professor in the Departments of Physiology & Pharmacology at the University of Calgary.

Dr. Niu and her colleagues have developed a novel microfluidic electrochemical nano-biosensors tool for rapid detection of early-stage COVID-19.

Dr. Niu is a co-applicant of IMPACTT, an expert in virology and an assistant professor of infectious disease in the Department of Ecosystem and Public Health at the University of Calgary. See their interview.

Trending: our microbiome and SARS-CoV-2

The Conversation Gut Microbiome and COVID

Worried about coronavirus? Pay attention to your gut.

SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor (ACE2), which the virus uses to infect the cells, is expressed in many tissues including our lungs and our gastrointestinal tract. This could explain why some patients show gastrointestinal symptoms.
The Lancet Gastro Cover

Probiotic and COVID-19: One size does not fit all.

Published in The Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol on 2020 Apr 24, Mak JWY., Chan FKL. & Ng SC. provide an overview of the evidence for the role of probiotics in COVID-19-related illnesses.
The Conversation How to eat well against COVID

“A diverse microbiome is a healthy microbiome” - “Eat to feed your microbiome”.

Follow some of the recommendations of scientific experts to stay healthy owing to your microbes and increase your chance of fighting a possible infection.
RNA Institute of Albany Microbiome - COVID News

You are interested into COVID-19 research and the microbiome? IMPACTT can help you with animal models!

We have proven experience in rederiving mouse models to germ-free and/ gnotobiotic status. If you are thinking about using such models but need your model to be rederived or if you need assistance in selecting a model to be rederived, contact us.

Microbiome resources

Find educational material along with key discoveries on the forum of the Translational Microbiome Research.

A rich online resource for scientists engaged in translational microbiome research.

Check-out the resources for understanding microbiome research and germ-free models gathered by Taconic.

Taconic generates and distributes genetically engineered mouse and rat models and is highly involved in microbiome research.

Dig into the resources gathered by The National Human Genome Research Institute to help teaching about the microbiome.

List of upcoming events

The Translational Microbiome Research Forum is keeping a list of upcoming conferences and microbiome-related events around the world.

The organizers of the 4th International Conference on Microbiome, Probiotics & Gut Nutrition have gathered a list of recommended Webinars & Conferences.

Don't miss it ! June 14 & 15, 2021 Having IMPACTT- our microbiome Symposium!

Having IMPACTT: Microbiome Symposium June 14-15, 2021
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  • The World of Microbiome will hold two conferences from November 4th to 6th, 2020 in Vienna, Austria. Click on the pictures below for more details.
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