IMPACTT Newsletter | September 2020

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Dear Dr. reader,

In this September edition, we highlight recent discoveries and perspectives about the role of our microbes in cancer development and management. You will discover new tools developed to face the technical and analytical challenges of microbiome studies along with new IMPACTT online resources. As a member of our microbiome research community, we will be thrilled to share your news or news you find relevant for our microbiome community.

To share, send us an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you.

Have a nice reading!

Meet our director - Dr. Kathy McCoy

McCoy Kathy_Profile_Pic
Dr. Kathy Mccoy, is a Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, the director of IMPACTT and the International Microbiome Center. As an expert in germ-free and gnotobiotic mouse model, Dr. McCoy works on understanding the interplay between the gut microbiota and the immune systems and its role in health conditions such as autism and cancer. Listen to Dr. McCoy narrate her last breakthrough on the role of the microbiome in cancer immunotherapy, here. This promising discovery was also highlighted here and here.
Director of a research facility and research programs, team leader, mom and wife, Dr. McCoy is fulfilling all her commitments but how? Discover Dr. McCoy insights on research and some of her secrets to achieving all that in her exclusive IMPACTT interview.

For more information on what we do, visit or e-mail us directly at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Cancers and Microbiome: a focus on recent discoveries

New tools for microbiome studies

New IMPACTT @-resources

  • In need of germ-free tissues? Our biobanks of diverse germ-free mouse tissues prepared for analyses from transcriptomics to histological analysis are now live!
  • Check our list of germ-free mouse models available at the International Microbiome Centre.
  • Search for your microbes! The Alberta Microbiota Repository, biobanks of microbes collected from diverse body sites is now searchable. The biobank is constantly being expanded so feel free to share your microbes with us!

Draw your research

Dr Ye illustration
Dr. Assié Illustration
Dr. McCoy & Dr. Ohland Illustration -
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Thank you all for your interest and involvement in building a more connected and knowledgeable microbiome community!