We are excited to introduce our IMPACTT Microbiome Standards! A defined microbial community of 45 phylogenetically diverse, evenly distributed bacteria encased in human fecal matrix or PBS. The best part: it’s free for Canadian labs!

This initiative is led by our Platform 4 Lead Dr. Laura Sycuro (University of Calgary), who partnered with Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe (University of Guelph) to develop these microbiome standards. Four standards are available with the same 45-member bacterial community spike-in: three of the standards are encased in human fecal matrix from three different donors, and the fourth is in PBS.

Along with our standards, we are also producing: whole genome sequences of all 45 bacteria in the community spike-in; metagenomic assemblies of each fecal matrix; and 16S reference sequences and analysis pipelines/recommendations.

More than 1,000 aliquots of each of the four standards are available, and are provided free to Canadian labs who want to participate in our benchmarking exercise. Not within Canada? Just pay shipping.

If you’re interested in participating, click here to fill out a short survey, or email us at [email protected]

Learn more by visiting our webpage and watching our YouTube video: