New Paper: Immunometabolism and microbial metabolites at the gut barrier: lessons for therapeutic intervention in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Congratulations to our Platform 3 Lead Dr. Karen Madsen on this recent publication! Abstract The concept of immunometabolism has emerged recently whereby repolarizing of inflammatory immune cells towards anti-inflammatory profiles by manipulating cellular metabolism represents a new potential therapeutic approach in controlling inflammation. Metabolic pathways in immune cells are tightly regulated to maintain immune homeostasis and […]

New Paper: Long-Distance Relationships – Regulation of Systemic Host Defense Against Infections by the Gut Microbiota

Congratulations to our Education & Mentorship Leads Dr. Markus Geuking and Dr. Braedon McDonald on this recent publication! Abstract Despite compartmentalization within the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiota has a far-reaching influence on immune cell development and function throughout the body. This long-distance relationship is crucial for immune homeostasis, including effective host […]

New Paper: Small Intestinal Resident Eosinophils Maintain Gut Homeostasis Following Microbial Colonization

Congratulations to our Education Leads Dr. Markus Geuking & Dr. Braedon McDonald, and IMPACTT Director and Platform 1 Lead Dr. Kathy McCoy, on this recent publication! Abstract The intestine harbors a large population of resident eosinophils, yet the function of intestinal eosinophils has not been explored. Flow cytometry and whole-mount imaging identified eosinophils residing in the lamina […]

Improve Human Immunology Research with CAN-ASC


The Canadian Autoimmunity Standardization Core (CAN-ASC) was funded in 2018 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) in order to provide guidance on best practices in human immunology research, focusing on methods in translational autoimmune research. Led by Dr. Megan Levings, CAN-ASC team members are a consortium of Canadian researchers and clinician-scientists who are experts in clinical […]